Our leadership team works tirelessly to make St. Paul’s a better place for our parents and children
Rhonda has been a leader in Utah childcare for over 25 years. Rhonda has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from The University of Utah, and has been director of St. Paul’s Preschool for 20 years. She has served as Vice President on the board of the Utah Association for the Education of Young Children and is currently chair of the Advisory Committee for Utah’s Office of Childcare. Rhonda loves to travel and play with her grandchildren.
Office Manager
Shannon has been involved with St. Paul’s since she was 14. It was her after school job in high school and has become her career. She left to direct a childcare center in Park City for 2 years and then returned to St. Pauls in 2009 as Office Manager. She is currently completing a degree in Human Development from the University of Utah. Shannon loves cats, books, and comics.